Position Paper BusinessEurope

BusinessEurope - A proactive trade agenda for EU competitiveness

11 settembre 2024

A proactive trade agenda for EU competitiveness: priorities for the next political cycle  BusinessEurope


Business Views on a European Economic Security Strategy - BusinessEurope

14 giugno 2024

Business Views on a European Economic Security Strategy - BusinessEurope


Our Digital Policy Ambition for the 2024-2029 legislature - BusinessEurope ...

19 marzo 2024

Our Digital Policy Ambition for the 2024-2029 legislature  BusinessEurope Position Paper


SME Relief Package and the Late Payment Regulation - BusinessEurope ...

30 novembre 2023

SME Relief Package and the Late Payment Regulation  BusinessEurope Position Paper


Union Customs Code Reform – BusinessEurope’s views

25 ottobre 2023

Position Paper di BusinessEurope sull'Union Customs Code Reform.


Letter to President Ursula von der Leyen - FTAs

16 gennaio 2023

Letter to President Ursula von der Leyen  FTAs.


Strengthening Europe’s position in green and digital future markets

25 ottobre 2022

Joint Statement  Strengthening Europe’s position in green and digital future markets


BusinessEurope Position Paper - Corporate Sustainabiliy Due Diligence

03 giugno 2022

Position Paper di BusinessEurope sulla Corporate Sustainabiliy Due Diligence.


Joint industry statement – Feedback on the Standardisation Strategy

06 aprile 2022

Joint industry statement – Feedback on the Standardisation Strategy.


Lettera di BusinessEurope alla Presidenza slovena dell’UE.

08 luglio 2021

Lettera di BusinessEurope alla Presidenza slovena dell’UE.


Lettera di BusinessEurope in vista del Consiglio europeo del 24-25 ...

21 giugno 2021

Lettera di BusinessEurope in vista del Consiglio europeo del 24-25 giugno 2021


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