Advisor Board

Dario Scannapieco

Chief Executive Officer and General Manager, Cassa Depositi e Prestiti

Born in Rome on August 18th 1967, Dario Scannapieco graduated with honours in Economics and got an MBA at Harvard Business School (1997).

He started in 1992 at Telecom Italia, within the Planning and strategic control department. 

From 1997 to 2002 Dario Scannapieco worked as Advisor to the Director General of the Treasury at the Italian Ministry of Economy and Finance. 

In 2002 he was appointed Director General for Finance and Privatisation at the Italian Ministry of Economy and Finance and worked there till 2007. 

From 2007 to May 2021 Dario Scannapieco was Vice-president at the European Investment Bank (EIB).  

He was also Chairman of the European Investment Fund from 2012 to May 2021. 

From May 2021 he is CEO and General Manager at Cassa Depositi e Prestiti and from July 2021 he is CEO at CDP Reti.

From July 2023 he is President of the European Long-Term Investors Association (ELTIa), the association that brings together the 32 main National Promotional Institutions and European Financial Institutions, including the European Investment Bank.

He was also member of several BoDs and International Committees.

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Programmi europei a gestione diretta 2014-2020

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