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Employment, Welfare and Human Capital

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Employment, Welfare and Human Capital

This Department represents and protects the interests of businesses at the international, European, and national levels in terms of expertise: education and vocational training, employment and the labor market, health and safety at work, public and complementary welfare, social policies and family, immigration, and equal opportunities.

It helps the System interpret and implement regulations related to these matters. It engages with national and international institutions to promote the adoption of measures that prioritize business and employment in these areas.

It defines the content of industrial relations and negotiates inter-confederal agreements with trade unions. It seals collective contracts for industrial executives and collective economic agreements for agents. It coordinates associations in national collective bargaining, broken down into trade categories.

It participates in governance and institutional activities of numerous national, European, and international bodies.

Pierangelo Albini

After twenty years at the Union of Industrialists of the Province of Varese, Pierangelo Albini was appointed Vice Director of the Labor and Industrial Relations Area at Confindustria in 2008.
He represents Confindustria in ministerial committees, public entities, and institutes. He sits on several boards of bilateral funds and companies operating in the fields covered by the Area. He is the Vice President of Fondirigenti and a member of the National Council for Economics and Labor.
He teaches Labor Law and Trade Union Law at the Faculty of Law and Business Economics of the Carlo Cattaneo University.
He has been at the helm of the Labor, Welfare, and Human Capital Area since 2011.

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