General Direction and Presidencial Secretariat

Raffaele Langella

Graduated in Economics and Commerce from the University Federico II of Naples. After working at the Italian Representation in Geneva (WTO), from 2002 to 2006, he held the position of First Secretary-Commercial Counselor at the Embassy of Italy in New Delhi. From 2009 to 2013, he served as Counselor and then First Counselor for the Press at the Permanent Representation of Italy to the EU. From 2013 to 2017, he worked at the Office of the Diplomatic Advisor to the Prime Minister's Office, serving as an Additional Diplomatic Counselor, as of 2015. From 2017 to 2021, he served as Ambassador to Singapore.

The staff of the Presidency Secretariat and of the General Management provides assistance and performs secretarial and security tasks related to the activities of the institutional top executives.

The Presidency Secretariat oversees the secretarial and organisational activities concerning the commitments of the President of Confindustria.

The General Management supports the Director-General in her institutional role of liaison with the Presidency, with the Confederation's top management and in planning, coordinating and supervising the structure’s overall activities.

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