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Qualified, easy and fast word of mouth

Regione Campania
Provincia Napoli
Stato dell’idea Azienda sul mercato
Sito https://buzzoole.com/

Buzzoole is the first IEO (Influence engine optimization) platform. Through our platform, we want to help users optimize their online presence and engagement with their network to help them become influential in subjects in which they have expertise. Why? because in our vision the influence will become increasingly an alternative method of payment for access to discounts, special conditions or invitations to events.

Buzzoole is really focused on Influence, not about popularity (like Klout, kred, peerindex).

We work to understand what areas thematic / geographic a user is influential and how much for each of them. Our approach is focusing on gamification. Business model We Replicate the google adwords model in buzz marketing. Through our fully automated platform brands can generate buzz about their products / services through influencer of their niche market .

The company pays on the basis of post really generated by the influencers. This model will allow us to offer all sizes solutions.

From startups to the top brands.

We want to be the first platform that will allow small and medium-sized enterprises to plan buzz campaigns, now impossible given the minimum budgets of competitors and digital pr agencies. we collected about 7000 pre-registered on buzzoole.com and 3000 likes on Facebook.

We just launch our alpha version reachable at alpha.buzzoole.com Here you have access to a list of articles that we have received from several countries http://urli.st/txY We were chosen for the final Uk-itay springboard, we arrived at wbf finals, insered in shortlist WCAP 12. we were among the winners of the startcup registro.it and the battle of ideas, and were selected for the Microsoft BizSpark program.

Buzzoole was among the winner of italian round of Intel business Competition and was selected as finalist for Next Berlin 2013.

Candidarsi come tutor
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