Asia-Europe Business Forum


Europa e Internazionalizzazione


Confindustria and Business Europa


On 15 and 16 October 2014, with the support of the European institutions and the Italian Presidency of the Council,Confindustria and BUSINESSEUROPE organize the 14th edition of the Asia Europe Business Forum (AEBF), back-to-back with the 10th ASEM Summit of Heads of State and Government.


The event, which will be held in Milan – the city that will host EXPO 2015, will attract over 300 high-level business representatives and CEOs from Europe and Asia, providing them with a unique opportunity to network, to discuss the most pressing issues of Asia-Europe economic cooperation, and to contribute to shape the political agenda by engaging in a concrete dialogue with top political figures from Europe and Asia.


The overall theme of the Business Forum will be "Enhancing business relations to foster economic integration between Europe and Asia". The debate will be focused on four key areas of economic cooperation:


Trade and Investments to foster integration between Europe and Asia
Food and water safety and security as drivers of global welfare and stability
Energy, green technologies  and sustainable management of natural resources
EU-Asia cooperation in Infrastructures, Connectivity Networks and Space Technology


Four task-forces will identify the priorities of the business community in these areas and, on the first day of the event – which will be hosted by Assolombarda, the business association of the Milan area – the task-forces co-chairmen will present their recommendations at the Business Forum. The final recommendations will then be included in the “2014 Final AEBF Declaration” that will be delivered to ASEM Political Leaders ahead of the Political Summit.


Therefore, the Asia Europe Business Forum will represent an exceptional opportunity for businesses to feed the ASEM process with concrete ideas on how to strengthen economic and political ties between Europe and Asia in order to boost economic growth, development and job creation across both regions.


The high-profile second day of the AEBF, which will take place in the morning of 16 October, will unfold at MiCo (Milan Congress Centre), where the ASEM Political Summit will open in the afternoon. Top-level political leaders are expected to address the closing session of the Business Forum, such as the President of the European Council Herman Van Rompuy, the President of the European Commission José Manuel Barroso and the Prime Ministers of China, Malaysia, Vietnam and Japan as well as the Italian Prime Minister Matteo Renzi. The event will therefore receive broad media coverage at international level.


dal  15 ottobre 2014   alle  14:00    fino al  16 ottobre 2014   alle  13:00


Via Pantano, 9  -  Milano 20122 MI


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